


"We want happiness,but we have a special talent for making ourselves miserable."


"Man is sometimes extraodinarily,passionately,in love with suffering:that is fact"

人有时会异乎寻常地 与苦难陷入热恋 这是事实

Notes from the underground《地下室手记》

In the novel,Dostoevsky's talking aim at philosophies of progress and improvement

在小说中 陀氏激烈地批评了所谓“发展”和“进步”的思想

which were highly popular in his age as they continue to be in ours

这两个信条 在当代仍广受欢迎 和当年一样

He is attacking our habit of telling ourselves that


If only this or that thing were different,we could leave suffering behing

要是事情不是这样的话 就不会受苦了

If we got that great job,change the goverment,could afford that great house

要是拿到那份不错的工作 改变得了政府 买得起那栋房子

【所以说梦想 热爱 激情 是痛苦悲惨毫无意义的人生的良药?】

invent a machine to fly fast around the world


then all would go well


This, Dostoevsky argues,it's a delusion,suffering always pursues

对于这些想法 陀氏提出反对意见 说这只不过是妄想罢了 痛苦永远在后面

Schemes for improving the world always contain a flaw

改变世界的方案 总有瑕疵

They won't eliminate suffering.They will only change the things that cause us pain

这些方案并不会消除痛苦 只会转移痛苦的来源

Life can only ever be a process of changing the focus of pain


never of removing pain itself


They will always be something to agonize us


Stop people  starving,says Dostoevsky,with calculated wickedness

陀氏说 用精心策划的 小把戏 让人先忍受住了食物的匮乏

And you'll soon find there's a new range of agonies


Peole will start suffering from boredom,greed

无聊 贪婪又将开始带给人痛苦

or intense melancholy that they haven't being invited to the right party


In the spirit,Notes from the Underground launches an attack on

地下室手记 的内涵便是 抨击

all ideologies of technical or social progress which aspire to the elimination of suffering


But they won't succeed,because as soon as they solve one problem

但他们不会成功 因为一旦解决了一个问题

they will direct on nature to become unhappy in new ways


We're continually surrounded by things which could delight us


if only we saw them in the right way


if only we could learn to appreciate them


《宗教大法官》The Grand Inquisitor

He's a guide to a crucial idea


that human beings cannot live in purity,cannot ever be just truly good,cannot live up to Christ's message

即 人不可能纯洁地活着 不可能真正地向善 不可能不辜负基督的教导

And this id something we should reconcile ourselves to,with grace rather than fury or self-hatred

这是我们应该接受承认的 要优雅而不是愤怒或自我憎恨地接受这一事实

We have to accept a great deal of unreasonableness,folly,greed,selfishness,and short-sightedness

必须要接受很多的不讲道理 愚蠢 贪婪 自私 短视

as ineradicable parts of the human condition and plan accordingly


and it's not just a pessimistic thesis about politics or religion that would be introduced to


The primary relevance of this thesis is as a commentary on our own lives

此论点与生活联系最紧 他是我们生活的评注

We won't solve them ou,we won't stop being a bit mad and wayward

问题是解决不完的 总会有那么一刻是有点任性和疯狂的


And we shouldn't torment ourselves with a dream that we sould if only we tried hard enough


become the perfect beings that idealistic philosophies like Christianity like to sketch all too ready

或成为理想主义哲学 如基督教 早已描绘好的那类“全人”

In a world that's very keen on upbeat stories

在这个如此喜欢快乐故事 的世界

we'll always run up against our limitations as deeply flawed and profoundly muddled creatures

作为有许多缺陷的糊涂人 我们总会碰见自己的短处

Dostoevsky's attitude,break but compassionate,tragic but kind,is needed more than ever

陀氏的这种态度  不乐观却富有同情  悲观却善良

in our naive and sentimental age that so fervently clings to the idea

正是这个天真而感性的时代所需要的  因为我们现在的信条

which this great Russia novelist loathed


that science can save us all,and we may yet be made perfect through technology

即  科学普渡众生 技术创造完人

Dostoevsky guides us to a more humane,darker truth

陀氏指出一个更符合人性 更黑暗的真相

that as the great sages have always known,life is and ever will always be suffering

就如智者们了解到的 生活现在是 以后也将一直是 尝不尽的苦头

And yet that there is a great redemption available


in articulating this message in brilliant and moving,complex and subtle works of art

即 将“生活是痛苦”的信息明确表达在 优秀动人 复杂微妙的艺术品中

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